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Tag: Human rights

From the House of Sin to the House of David: How...

Today, in the era of alt-truth, fake news and revisionist ideas, the bishops' pastoral letters are one of few avenues whereby facts and truth can be gleamed

UN needs to demand Myanmar improve on human rights, group says

Less flowery talk, more action needed from govt on improving human rights situation, Human Rights Watch says

Human rights defenders under siege

A CHR report points an accusing finger at the president for the dire situation of human rights defenders in the country

CBCP: A Pastoral Letter and a Call to Prayer

The Catholic bishops' conference warns against the 'dangers' of the Philippines' new anti-terror law that takes effect this week

Al Jazeera report prompts further gov’t attacks on migrants in Malaysia

Documentary on immigration raids during lockdown opens up a wider debate on xenophobia and an impending employment crisis in the country

Debt relief measures needed for Cambodians affected by pandemic, rights group...

Both govt and micro-loan providers failing in their human rights responsibilities to borrowers, Human Rights Watch says

Duterte’s anti-terror law unites fractious Philippine opposition

Various political opposition groups will hold a demonstration in the Philippine capital on July 27 when President Duterte delivers his SONA

Nepal has failed to live up to human rights commitments, group...

Human Rights Watch said Himalayan country had earlier agreed to address a whole range of issues, but claim none have been tackled

Rights groups call for release of Filipino activist accused of being...

The groups appealed for the freedom of Teresita Naul, a council member of rights group Karapatan, who was arrested by authorities in Lanao del Norte province in March

Treating the sick as the enemy

Disobedient, stubborn, recalcitrant — the government calls people falling between the cracks of a US$4-billion health emergency program

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