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Tag: Top3

Articles to go in the “Top 3” space

Pope Francis meets Buddhists from Taiwan, says religions play role in...

Pope Francis said religions are called to foster fraternity by promoting a “culture of encounter,” especially among the young

No place for climate-induced displacement

With every typhoon, drought, and other calamities comes the reality of thousands, if not millions, of people displaced

Bishop of Gumaca dies from heart attack at 71

Bishop Victor Ocampo of the Diocese of Gumaca in Quezon province died from a heart attack on Thursday

Philippine social media users face barrage of bogus medical posts

The video is part of a barrage of bogus and harmful medical posts on social media platforms

Pope Francis: A Christian life based on achieving higher positions is...

Pope Francis reflected on the call to apostleship as part of the larger theme of evangelization

Photos: Urban poor settlers lose homes to development

The residents pleaded to authorities and tried to set up barricades to no avail as demolition teams entered the community

Philippines, US to hold largest ever joint war games

A total of 17,680 soldiers will take part in the annual drills, which for the first time will include live-fire exercises in South China Sea

Faith and religions in globalized megacities

Popular imagination has ambivalent notions of the divine presence in urban and cosmopolitan contexts

Kenzaburo Oe: Novelist who won Nobel with ‘poetic force’

Known for his pacifist and anti-nuclear views, Oe saw himself as part of a generation of writers "deeply wounded" by World War II

Women’s march for equality and justice

What is needed is not only belief in the rights of women and children but action for a change of mind and heart among men and women

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