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Tag: President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.

Critics say Marcos’ failure to mention human rights, ‘drug war’ in...

"When there’s eerie silence on these issues, we surmise that there are no significant shifts in the draconian policies"

Moro group laments exclusion of Marawi in Marcos’ first SONA

Government still has so much to do to address issues hounding Marawi residents who were driven out of their homes

President Marcos unveils economic blueprint for ‘turbulent time’

Marcos Jr. offered a laundry list of targets, ranging from getting children back into classrooms to expanding internet access

Marcos presses for renewable energy in first State of the Nation...

The shift to renewable energy is seen as a solution to help slow down the effects of climate change

Victims of rights abuses, activists hold protests during Marcos Jr.’s first...

A group of Christian youth activists expects that the president's first SONA will be a "miseducation fest"

Marcos talks of ‘greater good,’ ‘shared goal’ as Filipino Muslims mark...

Marcos maintained that “the journey ahead of us will not be easy, but if we fight for what is right ... our people will surely benefit"

Oceana Philippines welcomes Marcos’ promise to care for environment

“It’s an acknowledgement that he knows that we, Filipinos, are really facing this great crisis,” Ramos said over Church-run Radio Veritas 846

‘Serve the people,’ Manila archbishop tells Marcos, other elected officials

“You have been given the opportunity to seek the good not only of some individuals or particular groups but of the Philippine society"

Caritas Philippines challenges Marcos to address poverty, oil price hikes

Bishop Bagaforo said Marcos "needs to address the plight of farmers versus imported agricultural products”

Catholic Church leaders call on Marcos Jr to address issues affecting...

“May you always seek God’s guidance as you work for the common good of the Filipino people"

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