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Schools need to look into possibility of shifting to online classes

A Catholic bishop in the southern Philippines said schools should start looking into the possibility of shifting to online classes.

Pope Francis calls for European unity amid pandemic

Pope Francis called on European leaders to work together in addressing the possible social and economic consequences of the coronavirus pandemic.

New bishop of Jolo vows to work for peace

Bishop Charlie Inzon noted that aside from a long-standing armed conflict, the island of Sulu is gripped with violent clan wars.

Catholic priest in Mindanao decries red-tagging

A Catholic priest in the southern Philippines decried what he described as red-tagging directed at him by still unknown individuals in the Diocese of Tandag.

Gov’t cash aid not enough to help poor

Ibon Foundation warned that 97 percent of 11.4 million poor Filipino households that received cash aid from the government are barely surviving the lockdown.

More young volunteers to serve in Manila churches wanted

Parishes in the Archdiocese of Manila will need more young volunteers when religious services resume after the lifting of the lockdown.

Health group debunks Philippine claim on flattening COVID-19 curve

A health rights group debunked the claim of Philippine health officials that the country has begun to flatten the curve of COVID-19 cases.

Mindanao Jesuit school to open with ‘new normal’ learning arrangements

A Jesuit school in Mindanao announced that it will start the school year with "new normal" learning arrangements due to the threat of the...

Government says private schools can resume classes in June

The government will allow the resumption of classes in private schools in June as long as there is no "face-to-face" interactions.

Manila archdiocese issues rules in preparation for reopening of churches

The Archdiocese of Manila has come with a new set of protocols in preparation for the resumption of religious services after the lifting of strict quarantine protocols due to the coronavirus pandemic.

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