“Abide in me and I in you, bear much fruit” ( Jn. 15:4-11).
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ.
In the all powerful name of Jesus I wish you all blessings in the new year. May the Good Shepherd guide us, protect us all in these challenging times.
It gives me great pleasure to greet all our Christian brothers and sisters. Undoubtedly a robust Christian witness in Myitkyina is a joy to see much to be grateful for. I realize that the role of Christians in the destiny of KACHIN is a blessed one. All praise to God.
More than ever all our destiny interwoven with one another. The pandemic is an agonizing reminder that only by uniting to face the challenges we will overcome in the name of the Lord. I commend the generous support rendered to the poor during these days. Unity is our strength and calling.
We have faced other types of unarticulated pandemics in our land. The seven-decade war is a pandemic. Thousands living in miserable [internally displaced people] camps is a pandemic. Drug and looting of our resources is a pandemic. Generations lived through the unending wars.
What is God telling us through signs of times?
We urgently need the vaccine of peace. All Christians need to join together and herald the words of our Lord “Peace I leave you; peace I give to you” (Jn. 14:27). Jesus who came to this earth with the great words “Peace to all men of Good will” today calls the Christian churches to be the prophets of Peace.
God blessed our land with so many resources above and below the ground. More than that He blessed us abundantly with sons and daughters. We need to make them live in a land of peace. Wars have not solved any problem for seven decades. Peace is possible; peace is the only way. As Christians let us struggle towards peace based on Justice.
I am of the firm belief that the arc of history bends towards Justice. For that we need to unite as the people of peace. The peace of Christ is not divided as long as we abide in Him. He melts all our differences and make us his messengers of peace. As Jesus proclaimed his message in the streets, let us come together around the altar of our sacred land and break the bread of peace. United, God will give us the wisdom to transcend our differences and bless us with an unyielding quest for peace.
We shall overcome. We shall overcome seven decades of darkness of war. We shall overcome our despair because we believe in a living, loving and liberating God. Let peace flow like a river in the Kachin land. Let our children proclaim with joy the realization of the dream of the Revelation: We see a new heaven and a new earth. There will be no more tears.
Yes brothers! Rejoice this is moment believe and move all mountains. Let us reach our promised land of peace and prosperity United in the great name of Jesus.
Cardinal Charles Maung Bo is president of the Bishops’ Conference of Myanmar and president of the Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences