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Davao bishop calls for patience over restrictions on religious activities

Archbishop Romulo Valles of Davao called on the faithful to be more patient over the restrictions imposed by the government on religious activities.

Diocese of Borongan appeals for donations for typhoon victims

The Diocese of Borangan in the central Philippines has stretched its remaining social action funds to aid typhoon-affected communities.

Victims of HIV, COVID-19 pandemics remembered

This year's observance of the International AIDS Candlelight Memorial also remembered those who fell victim to the coronavirus pandemic.

Manila clergy to hold annual spiritual retreat online

Members of the clergy in the Archdiocese of Manila will be holding their annual spiritual retreat online later this month.

Typhoon victims appeal for food, water, housing materials

About 47,000 families who were devastated by Typhoon Vongfong last week are in need of food, water and housing materials in the central Philippines.

CBCP’s Recommendations and Guidelines for the Liturgical Celebration in ‘New Normal’...

For the interest of the common good, and ultimately to best serve our own community, we want to contribute to solve this crisis and soon be freed from the threat of the pandemic.

Albay parishes told to brace for storm

Bishop Joel Baylon of Legazpi in the province of Albay called on parishes in the diocese to prepare for a coming storm and open churches to evacuees.

School goes on for Collegio Filippino priests

While some priests residing at the Pontificio Collegio Filippino in Rome have returned to the Philippines recently, classes carry on for most of them.

Philippine capital to remain under ‘modified’ lockdown

The Philippine capital will remain under lockdown, or what the government described as "modified enhanced community quarantine," until the end of May.

Bishops to ‘consecrate’ Philippines to Mary on May 13

Philippine Catholic bishops will consecrate the country to the Immaculate Heart of Mary on Wednesday, May 13.

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