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Tag: Human rights

Philippines slips in global press freedom Index; gov’t maintains media remain...

The Philippines is urged “to provide legal protection” to media workers and “to expedite the investigation of media-related killings"

State of press freedom in Asia worsens during coronavirus pandemic, says...

The RSF annual report says the region’s “authoritarian regimes” have capitalized on the global health crisis to control information

Attacks on Philippine Church leaders threaten country’s religious freedom, says ACN...

The ACN report said the administration of President Rodrigo Duterte has presented several challenges directly related to religious freedom

Fighting murder and mayhem with compassion and courage

Filipinos chose the way of compassion by putting up hundreds of community pantries all over the country

Filipino missionary nun who championed social justice dies at 67

Sister Mary Francis Añover, RSM, was national coordinator of the Rural Missionaries of the Philippines from 2010 to 2016

AI: ‘Opportunism,’ ‘contempt for human rights’ mark global response to pandemic

Amnesty International said some “particularly virulent strain” of leaders used the pandemic as an opportunity to entrench their own power

Protestant council condemns freeze of Church’s assets in southern Philippines

The Protestant Church council called on the government to stop the 'harassment' against the United Church of Christ in the Philippines

New Manila archbishop to maintain ‘open line’ with presidential palace

Cardinal Jose Advincula said protecting human rights will be one of his key missions

Caritas Philippines to talk with military on red-tagging, crackdown of activists

Bishop Jose Colin Bagaforo said the prevailing human rights situation has compelled his office to initiate and spearhead a dialogue

Mindanao advocates slam freeze of Church group’s bank accounts

The group said UCCP-HARAN is “simply performing their calling to participate in the establishment of a just and compassionate social order”

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