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Tag: Human rights

US envoy attacks Chinese bid to choose new Dalai Lama

The role of picking a successor belongs to the Tibetan Buddhist system, the Dalai Lama, and other Tibetan leaders, Sam Brownback says

Spy alert goes out over China propaganda app

The app was developed e-commerce giant Alibaba for the Chinese Communist Party

Myanmar military ‘is as relentless and ruthless as ever,’ rights group...

Amnesty International accuses the country’ military, armed groups of both targeting civilians

EU awards Sakharov Prize to jailed Uyghur activist

By awarding this prize, the European Parliament sends a strong message to the Chinese government to release Ilham Tohti

Green groups file complaint against Philippine authorities

Activists say series of harassments reaffirmed a report that named the Philippines as the world’s most dangerous country for rights and environmental defenders

Pakistan’s military rides roughshod over the media

Suppression of the media is part of the nation’s worsening slide into despotism

Myanmar men on death row for British tourist murders ask Thai...

Thailand carried out its first execution in years in June last year, when a murder suspect was put to death

Hong Kong protesters fear mainland style facial recognition technology

Fear of the technology is one reason why mask use has increased in recent weeks despite a ban on masks

UN mission chief warns of recurring genocide in Myanmar

But Myanmar's UN ambassador counters saying UN’s fact-finding mission was flawed

Chinese authorities crack down on mainland house churches with Hong Kong...

Believed to be a response to many Christians having taken to the streets of Hong Kong in support of the protests

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