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Tag: COVID19

Vatican calls for ‘innovative’ solutions to counter corruption

Public administrators must operate with transparency and honesty in order to foster trust between citizens and institutions, Vatican official says

Indian govt accused of using COVID-19 lockdown to arrest activists, silence...

Indian authorities urged to drop ‘politically-motivated charges’ against those who peacefully protested discriminatory citizenship policies

Archbishop Costa of Bangladesh tested positive for COVID-19

Archbishop Moses Costa of Bangladesh is the first known member of the clergy in in the country to be infected with COVID-19

SPOTLIGHT: Filipino priest brings Eucharist to faithful on a pick-up truck

Mass celebrations go mobile after gov't implemented a lockdown due to the coronavirus pandemic

Evangelization, Christian education, worship amid the pandemic

How can the Good News and the Christian message be proclaimed in the time of the pandemic and amid the ecological crises?

Bishop calls on Filipino migrant workers to be ‘extra vigilant’ of...

As of June 14, the total number of confirmed COVID-19 cases among Filipinos abroad was at 5,541, with 22 new confirmed cases

Taxi driver turns hearse driver as coronavirus cases in India spike

Aamir has kept his ambulance work a secret from his neighbors, fearing what they'll think if they find out

Breastfeeding still best for babies amidst pandemic

WHO said it found out that breastfeeding mothers do not seem to be passing the virus to their infants

Waiting, hoping, dreaming can be deadly for Filipino poor amid pandemic

The death of Michelle Silvertino, 33, after trying to get a ride home has prompted the government to look into the plight of stranded workers

Report: Coronavirus crisis could see number of extreme poor rise to...

Region expected to see the biggest number of people at risk of plunging into extreme poverty was South Asia

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