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Tag: COVID19

Capiz archdiocese resumes public celebrations of Holy Mass

In a statement, the archdiocese urged the faithful to continue observing physical distancing during the celebrations

Philippine faith groups join global campaign for free COVID-19 vaccine

More than 140 world leaders and experts have already signed a petition calling for free distribution of COVID-19 vaccine once it is developed

Burdensome public transport restrictions amid lockdown

Jeepney drivers are probably the most adversely affected in the transport sector as they have not earned any income for the past three months

Pope Francis prays for compassion for world amid pandemic

Pope Francis prayed "that all those who suffer may find their way in life, allowing themselves to be touched by the Heart of Jesus"

Philippine authorities may place national capital under lockdown again

For the past three days, the Philippines' Health department reported about 300 fresh cases daily, which is higher than the previous weeks

No face-to-face classes in Philippines until COVID-19 vaccine is found

A total of 5,204,949 students have already enrolled in both public and private schools across the Philippines

Philippines, Indonesia may suffer ‘shallow’ economic recovery until 2022

Economic experts expect both countries to see a delayed and shallow recovery with economies only returning to form in early 2022

Philippine parishes to implement ‘contact-tracing’ of faithful

Contact tracing is the identification and follow-up of persons, who may have come into close contact with a confirmed COVID-19 case.

EU backs Philippine justice sector’s response to pandemic

The aid package includes 3 million-peso worth of 120 multi-media tablets and PPE for the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology

Pope cautions against premature claims of ‘victory’ over pandemic

Pope Francis said it is unfortunate that in many countries “the virus continues to claim many victims”

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