Tag: child abuse
Resurrection today and a chance to live again
They were just existing but not living, dead in spirit and then saved, rescued, cared for, and healed and they came back to life.
St. Patrick escaped slavery and freed thousands
There are an estimated 160 million child workers in the world today, 79 million of whom are doing dangerous tasks
SPOTLIGHT: No place like home
Wondering the streets and addicted to drugs, homeless children in Bangladesh finds a home in 'Khichuri'
We need more prosecutors and judges to give justice for children
We just have to work together for the nation and especially the abused children who hunger and thirst for justice.
Injustice and poverty causes child sexual abuse
Poverty is caused by the irresponsible rich who do not share their wealth to help end poverty and lift up the poor.
Children winning convictions of their rapists are real heroes
When one has Christian faith and believes with conviction... we then have hope that change for the better will happen
Vatican commission calls for strong focus on child protection at Synod
Pope Francis has consistently and resolutely voiced the imperative of combatting child abuse within the Church during his pontificate
Pope Francis calls for whole-of-society approach to combat child abuse
The pope stressed that the issue should not be exclusive to the Church but also a collective responsibility of society
More evils: Cults, possession, pornography, and child abuse
If there are any “evil spirits,” they are the living clerical child sexual abusers hiding behind the robes and thrones of some bishops
The confession of child abuse by the Catholic Church
Pope Francis has enacted instructions and church laws that demand bishops admit mistakes and stop protecting pedophile priests