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Tag: Budapest

Pope warns against indifference

The pope urged people to "help to uproot the evils of indifference and selfishness from society"

Pope Francis cautions against ‘belligerence’ during Hungary visit

He regretted that on the international stage, "politics serves more to stir up emotions rather than to resolve problems"

Hungary’s Orban and the pope: diverging views of Christianity

The self-styled "defender of Christian Europe" has frequently diverged from the pope's messages -- on topics from migration to LGBTQ rights

Pope Francis heads to Hungary weeks after hospital stay

The war in neighboring Ukraine is likely to dominate the visit to the central European nation

‘Christ is our future’: Vatican announces theme, schedule for pope’s Budapest...

The theme of the papal trip is “Christ is our future.” The logo is a stylized drawing of Budapest’s Chain Bridge

International Eucharistic Congress kicks off Sunday in Budapest

The 52nd International Eucharistic Congress is taking place on Sept. 5-12 in the capital of Hungary

Budapest names street at planned Chinese university after jailed Chinese Catholic...

The renamed streets will converge at an area where China's Fudan University is planning to open a campus

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