Tag: Synod of Bishops
Who are the Chinese bishops attending the Synod on Synodality?
One of the bishops attending this year’s assembly was the first bishop consecrated in China under the terms of the Vatican-China agreement
What Pope Francis had to say about the Synod on Synodality...
The Catholic Church’s massive synodal process has already undergone diocesan, national, and continental stages
A Synodal Church: Dream or Reality?
It is not enough to listen to the laity coming from the mandated organizations. The voice of the poor and marginalized need to be listened to
Philippine Marian shrines, basilicas to join global day of prayer for...
The participation of the Philippines’ prominent Marian shrines and minor basilicas shows the Filipinos’ deep devotion to Mary
Laypeople, including women, to vote in Synod on Synodality assembly
It is proposed that 50 percent of the selected people who will vote should be women and young people should also be present
Committee begins writing Synod on Synodality working document behind closed doors
To begin drafting the working document, the group of experts will meet behind closed doors
Church must be source of hope, not despair, says Japan archbishop
“The Church has to be at the center of producing hope… and not of despair and sadness”
Asian continental assembly on synodality ends with call for ‘change of...
“If this journeying together is to be meaningful, we need to learn how to let go of all that prevents us from being that synodal church"
Synod organizers tell Continental Assemblies not to ‘impose an agenda’ on...
The cardinals said the Synod of Bishops is not meant “to address all the issues being debated in the Church”
Global Catholic institutions offer free theology classes ahead of 2023 Vatican...
Those “who have been called to the process of ecclesial renewal” are invited to register and avail of the online courses