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Fighting disinformation ‘one Filipino at a time’

Martial law rights abuse victims vow to keep on telling the stories of "martyrs and heroes" until justice is truly served

Court junks charges against urban poor residents who defied lockdown to...

The court said the residents were “within their rights when they went outside of their respective residences to plea for food”

Why are they killing our children?

It would be a more consoling principle to deem that the apex of their life was the death at a very young age for love of humanity

Why this August’s extraordinary consistory of cardinals is significant

The last time that Pope Francis summoned the cardinals to an extraordinary consistory was on Feb. 12-13, 2015

Living the reality of contradictions

Contradictions in the world should not deprive us of the truth that our human rights is universal, inviolable, and inalienable

Photos: Pedal for People and Planet on World Environment Day 2022

Climate activists and bikers pedaled in the Philippine capital on Sunday, June 5, 2022, to mark this year’s World Environment Day

Mindanao bishop says fight against open-pit mining not over despite veto...

“We remain vigilant until the present threat to amend the lifting of the open-pit mining ban is completely done,” said Bishop Cerilo Casicas

Anti-mining group welcomes veto of measure lifting ban on open-pit mining...

The group said it “welcomes the rightful decision” of the governor to veto Ordinance N0. 23, Series of 2022, that was enacted on May 16, 2022

Marcos’ choice of National Museum as venue of inauguration to ‘reopen...

Jesuit priest Albert Alejo expressed hope that the president-elect’s choice will reflect his plans for cultural development

Environment matters: ‘Only One Earth!’

Plenty of cosmetic activity and tokenism are expected on Sunday, June 5, when the world marks World Environment Day

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