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Tag: Press Freedom

Journalism: Most dangerous job in the Philippines

The truth hurts, they say, so authorities and tycoons warn journalists to keep a lid on it

Wind in a bottle: ABS-CBN’s storm chasers

Journalists themselves saw how ABS-CBN’s reach informed far-flung provinces of incoming storms

Scholars warn against impact of Hong Kong security law on academic...

National security law will encourage critics of the Chinese party-state to self-censor

Processing what our eyes and ears tell us: Reflections on Journalism...

Reportage in the day and age of alt-truth must in no way stand on the fences of objective exposition

Duterte wants Facebook out of the picture, but can he swing...

Shutting Facebook down will introduce President Duterte to a world of hurt from which there can be no recovery

Philippine religious superiors back campaign for ABS-CBN franchise

The AMRSP requests the Catholic faithful to sign up and help ABS-CBN get a legislative franchise directly through the people

Media union backs Filipino journalists ‘under attack’

Dubbed “Masked Media” campaign, the activity aims to promote public awareness on the condition of press freedom in the country

Hong Kong cardinal tells priests to avoid personal political views in...

Cardinal Tong released the instruction in the wake of a reported “crackdown on free expression” in Hong Kong

Myanmar activist faces court for banner protesting internet shutdown

Charge against free-speech activist and poet is latest example of Myanmar govt’s intolerance of critical speech, rights group says

Proposed social media gag shows free citizens, not terrorists are Duterte’s...

Social media has gained more importance with the COVID-19 quarantine hobbling the capacity of activists to mount huge mobilizations

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