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Tag: Philippines

Does religion hinder love?

Many Catholics are unaware that there are 'remedies' available in the Church for ‘mixed marriages’

Philippine bishops appeal for prayer, help for quake victims

Philippine Catholic bishops appealed for prayers and help for victims of a Magnitude 6.3 earthquake, which killed seven people and left more than 60...

Praying for rain on an isolated Philippine island

Island community depends on rain for drinking, cooking, washing clothes, and bathing

Eco-Convergence: Promoting Laudato si’ in the Philippines

Church and civil society partner to promote teachings from pope’s encyclical on the environment

Philippine green groups score victory against huge mining firm

Bishop says his diocese will continue to support the fight against ‘destructive extraction project that affects all of creation’

Death comes in the early afternoon for ‘drug war’ victim

Human rights groups claimed that the death toll in the Philippines 'war' against illegal drugs could be upwards of 27,000

Philippine groups warn against increasing food insecurity

More than 113 million people across 53 countries experienced acute hunger last year

New bishop appointed for Philippines’ Diocese of Sorsogon

Father Jose Alan Dialogo, director of a home for retired priests in Manila, has been named by the pope as the fifth bishop of Sorsogon

Law enforcement scandals strip bare fatal flaws in Philippines’ drug war

This week's resignation of the Philippines' national police chief after facing withering fire over his role in the alleged "recycling" of seized narcotics comes...

Elderly priests battle loneliness while maintaining their faith

After years of service, where do priests go? What do they do? After years of walking with God's flock, where do the shepherds go? They leave...

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