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Tag: Philippines

Filipino youth and the ‘fight for life’

Why Bishop Broderick Pabillo of Manila has issued a call to take resolute action against anti-life trends under the current political dispensation in the country

Philippines’ amended anti-terror law could spawn rights abuses

Legislators insist the bill will not muzzle those who are merely criticizing the government

Manila’s hostage drama a ‘wake-up call’ for Philippines’ poor labor practices

Wrongful actions of gunman potentially testifies to 'the lengths the poor have to go to just to be heard'

SPOTLIGHT: Recycling candles sustains Philippine diocese’s social action work

A diocese in the central Philippines has been able to sustain its social action work, including the payment of salaries of its 22 workers, by recycling candles.

Filipino activists post bail in perjury case

Activists claim the case was filed as reprisal for their efforts to secure legal protections against threats of state violence

Philippine bishop calls for withdrawal of armed men from tribal lands

Military denies allegations, claiming it was the rebels who made the attacks ‘to trigger an evacuation’

Philippine diocese calls for stop to operations of Australian mining firm

Congressional inquiry looked into OceanaGold's application for the renewal of its mining rights for another 25 years

Philippine Church moves to check clergy sexual abuse

Cases of clergy sexual abuse have more than a few to renounce their faith and turn to other religions for spiritual guidance

Lent reminds priest of reason for vocation

Filipino priest Edwin Gariguez said the reason for being of every social action worker, activist, and priest is self-giving

Making terrorists of Good Samaritans

Critics of the Philippines' Human Security Act say it is open to abuse because the proposed definition of terrorism is too vague and encompassing

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