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Tag: peace

Trading violence for a culture of peace in India’s troubled northeast

Through the Peace Channel thousands of youth are helping ensure peace and harmony is present in their communities

Catholic church leaders appeal for peace in wake of southern Philippine...

The government announced that President Rodrigo Duterte is considering recommendations to place Sulu province under martial law

Myanmar’s religious leaders call for unity, peace amid conflict

They have urged Myanmar’s people to prepare for a future after COVID-19

Pope Francis backs UN call for global ceasefire to address pandemic

The UN Security Council adopted on July 1 a resolution demanding “a general and immediate cessation of hostilities"

The Holy Trinity: Enriching yet challenging faith experience

Cardinal Bo of Myanmar said It is not COVID that is destroying humanity but the "anti Trinitarian" tendency that has infected the world

New bishop of Jolo vows to work for peace

Bishop Charlie Inzon noted that aside from a long-standing armed conflict, the island of Sulu is gripped with violent clan wars.

Dashed hopes for peace in the Philippines

The odds of peace talks between the Philippine government and communist-led rebels getting restarted may be nil at this point.

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