BALIK-TANAW | Pierced and Broken: The Enfleshed Story of the Forgotten Covenant
May the model of all mothers -Mama Mary, who has pondered all that has happened to her Son in her heart- intercede for us and all mothers
BALIK-TANAW: Making society whole again – Justice and Peace work is...
I move to a quiet place in the surroundings where I am, for now. This itinerant life I live. I reflect on how we continue to work for authentic charity
BALIK-TANAW: Towards a Just Society
The gospel summons us to unite against evil and seek forgiveness to restore our relationship with God and our neighbor.
BALIK-TANAW: Witnesses of the Resurrected Christ in Today’s Context
A witness to Christ fearlessly proclaims the truth, sides with the masses, and pursues actions for just and lasting peace.
BALIK-TANAW: Kalayaang kaloob ni Kristo
I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul….I place my fate in the hands of Jesus. He is the captain of my soul!
The Parable of the Vineyard Workers and the plight of migrant workers
The parable challenges the day laborers, and all those in solidarity with them, to stand united and work for a better community and society
BALIK-TANAW: Follow Jesus
Suffering, injustice, poverty, hunger, homelessness, racism, discrimination, killings, and wars are everywhere! Where are we in this context?
BALIK-TANAW: A faith that crosses social boundaries
We are called to reach out and take on an accompanying role in the journey of our people toward healing and wholeness
BALIK-TANAW: Maintaining the balanced faith
We need a faith that challenges and rebukes the social realities that tossed up and down the lives of the poor and the vulnerable
BALIK-TANAW: Of treasures and salvation: How costly is to aspire for...
"People are labeled as ‘terrorists’ when they start negotiating for better jobs, services, and rights."