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People-led initiative seeks to address lack of air quality monitoring

Greenpeace says air pollution remains one of the biggest threats to the country’s health, environment, and economy

Pope Francis still popular in America, according to survey

More than six-in-ten US adults have a “very” or “mostly” favorable opinion of Pope Francis

Cardinal Tagle warns against jealousy, envy

Cardinal Tagle reminded CFC members that in a world where life has become “commercialized ... life is not a thing and a burden”

Pope Francis at the Angelus: ‘Let Jesus look at and heal...

In his Angelus address June 27, the pope said that intimacy with Jesus was the path to inner healing

Myanmar’s Cardinal Bo reiterates call for end to violence as thousands...

Cardinal Bo said Myanmar is experiencing “dark moments of challenges” as thousands "are in desperate need for food, medicine and shelter”

Filipinos bid farewell to former president Benigno Aquino III

As president, Aquino led the Philippines in shedding its perennial "sick man of Asia" image through robust economic growth

Miracles of Justice

God never rejoiced in a meaningless “destruction of the living,” especially if the living are strongly inclined to destroying each other

Trudeau says pope should apologize on Canadian soil for church’s role...

A federal commission's report found the residential school system enacted cultural genocide on Canada's indigenous people

Vatican ‘foreign minister’ doubts speaking out on Hong Kong ‘would make...

Human rights activists have repeatedly urged the Vatican to publicly express its concerns about the actions of the Chinese Communist Party

Vatican asks for donations to Peter’s Pence ahead of annual collection

Peter’s Pence is the Holy See’s annual collection to finance the pope’s charitable works and other priorities, including the Roman Curia

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