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More Catholic priests getting sick of COVID-19 in Myanmar

At least 20 of the 54 priests in the Diocese of Kalay in the country’s Sagaing region are currently sick of either COVID-19 or common flu

Philippine Catholic Church leaders condole with families of plane crash victims

The Catholic bishops called on everyone “to continue to be united in solidarity and prayer”

Church group calls on Duterte to exert efforts to help workers

Five years 'would have been more than enough' to fulfill the president's promise to alleviate the situation of workers

Philippine bishops call for prayers for pope’s speedy recovery

“We remember his beautiful and very inspiring Apostolic Visit to our country in 2015. We continue to feel his love for the Filipino people”

Beware of the Aswang!

In the documentary “Aswang,” the ferocious vampiric, shape-shifting monster metamorphoses into the perpetrators of the “war on drugs”

New Manila prelate retains all archdiocese officials in posts

Cardinal Jose Advincula, new archbishop of Manila, issued a decree retaining the services of all incumbent church officials and workers

Indonesia beefs up health funds with hospitals in critical condition

Indonesia is battling one of Asia's worst coronavirus epidemics, fueled by the rapid spread of the highly contagious Delta variant

Pope Francis to spend week recovering in hospital after intestinal surgery

At the age of 84, Pope Francis has only had one other operation during his eight years as pope

Military bishop offers prayers for plane crash victims in Sulu

Bishop Oscar Florencio asked all military chaplains to offer Masses for the 50 people who died in the crash

Lipa archbishop urges public to get vaccinated ‘before it’s too late’

The Philippines has administered over 11.7 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines as of Sunday

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