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Cebu archdiocese to create ‘ecological ministry’ in parishes

Archbishop Palma said that the new ministry is one of their contributions to efforts against the environmental crisis

Toxic smog chokes Indian capital during Diwali celebrations

People across the sprawling city woke to find themselves enveloped in a grey-yellow blanket of haze

‘Red Week’ in November to raise awareness of need for religious...

Red light will bathe hundreds of cathedrals, churches and monuments as part of a campaign to raise awareness of the persecution of Christians

Pope Francis calls for ‘process of conversion’ in the Church to...

The pope said that “the culture of death” leads to sexual abuse, the abuse of conscience, and the abuse of power

Can priests and religious endorse political candidates?

In practice, priests who run for public office need to renounce their ministerial functions or are suspended from exercising them

Vatican to open contemporary art gallery in historic papal library

The modern iteration of the papal library is believed to date back to the 14th century

Cardinal Advincula stresses importance of synodal process to Church unity

“A synod is not simply a meeting or a gathering it is about walking together,” said Cardinal Advincula in his homily

Cebu’s 2022 Santo Niño fiesta celebration to be done ‘virtually’

The celebration of the novena Masses starting Jan. 7, 2022, will be closed to the public and limited to the clergy and volunteers

Video: People who suffer from depression

Watch the Pope Video, and if you know someone who is suffering from one of these situations, share Pope Francis’ words with them

Philippine environmental group calls for passage of stronger wildlife law

The group said it is high-time to strengthen the 20-year-old law to address the increasingly sophisticated illegal wildlife trade

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