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Pope Francis to attend G7 summit to speak on artificial intelligence

The Vatican is heavily involved in the conversation of AI ethics, hosting high-level discussions with scientists and tech executives

Pope Francis calls for peace through embracing others

The pontiff discussed the ‘missing embrace,' noting that gestures of joy and brotherhood often face resistance or rejection

Pope Francis: Theological virtues are the ‘fundamental attributes’ of a Christian...

“Looking at his life, we can see what man can achieve by accepting and developing within himself the gifts of God: faith, hope, and charity"

Songkran water festival as celebration of life 

The religious metaphors of water include knowledge, life, salvation, time, healing, and new beginnings among others

Pope Francis renews call for ecological action on Earth Day 

"We are called to become artisans and caretakers of our common home, the Earth which is 'falling into ruin.' #EarthDay"

Pope Francis encourages seminarians to embrace pastoral leadership with compassion

"With your hearts in God, with open hands, and a big smile, share the joy of the Gospel with all those you encounter"

SPOTLIGHT: Cry Me a River

Indigenous livelihoods swim against flow of hydropower interests in Hà Giang, Vietnam

Rite of peace is not just a greeting or friendly gesture,...

Sign of peace is not a simple polite gesture or a gesture of human love, but expresses “the sincere desire to be reconciled among ourselves"

Pope Francis calls for deeper faith and unity among Christians at...

“The power of Christian faith transcends human differences,” he said, praising the efforts to build a community unified by faith and respect

Vatican at UN Forum: Indigenous Youth vital in cultural and environmental...

Archbishop Caccia highlighted the Holy See’s recognition of the contributions made by the forum in addressing Indigenous Peoples' issues

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