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Children and youth to play central role in Pope Francis visit...

Pope Francis’ visit to Papua New Guinea will be his first trip to the country as part of his 11-day Asia Pacific apostolic journey

Not all Catholic AI bots are creepy: Some new tools for...

“In addition to providing clear answers, [CatéGPT provides] a list of reference documents to encourage the user to read them"

Fr. Patton calls for leadership and reconciliation amid Holy Land conflict

He emphasized the need for leaders on both sides to prioritize reconciliation and work toward a lasting peace

Pope Francis tells world’s parish priests: The Church could not go...

In the letter, Pope Francis offered three suggestions to parish priests for building “a synodal and missionary Church.”

Here are the countries that rank worst in the world in...

From this report, USCIRF makes recommendations to the State Department on how to best advocate for religious freedom

Vatican says birth control not key to fighting poverty, renews call...

The Archbishop argued that the focus of the ICPD has become "increasingly narrow" in recent years, with an overemphasis on birth control

Pope Francis calls on youth to shift from digital passivity to...

Pope Francis encouraged the youth to integrate prayer, gratitude, and creative action into their daily lives

Pope Francis to attend G7 summit to speak on artificial intelligence

The Vatican is heavily involved in the conversation of AI ethics, hosting high-level discussions with scientists and tech executives

Pope Francis calls for peace through embracing others

The pontiff discussed the ‘missing embrace,' noting that gestures of joy and brotherhood often face resistance or rejection

Pope Francis: Theological virtues are the ‘fundamental attributes’ of a Christian...

“Looking at his life, we can see what man can achieve by accepting and developing within himself the gifts of God: faith, hope, and charity"

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