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Pope Francis welcomes Cardinal Pell back to the Vatican

But it remains unclear whether the Australian cardinal will take up another role in the Vatican

Pull investments from companies not committed to environment, pope says

In a TED video message, Pope Francis says the current economic system is unsustainable

Swiss-Filipino lieutenant joins Vatican’s Swiss Guards

Vincent Lüthi is among 38 new recruits who took their oath of allegiance to Pope Francis in the Vatican early in October

Gang violence displaces Rohingya families in Bangladesh refugee camps

Refugees live in fear as gangs compete for dominance in sprawling camps

In midst of scandal, pope seeks to reassure financial inspectors

Last month, the pope fired Italian Cardinal Angelo Becciu, accusing him of embezzlement and nepotism

Deal with Beijing is worth the criticism, says top Vatican diplomat

Concrete progress has been made over appointment of bishops in China, says Archbishop Paul Gallagher

More UN member countries call on China to respect human rights

Statement expresses concern over human rights situation in China’s Xinjiang region and recent developments in Hong Kong

HRW: Detention of Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar’s Rakhine State needs to...

Those detained in camps face higher rates of malnutrition, waterborne illnesses, and child and maternal mortality

Rape, murder of ‘lower-caste’ woman sparks outrage in India

Last year some 3,500 Dalit women were raped in the country

Professor in Pakistan killed over ‘religious matters’

Naeem Khattak, an Ahmadi Muslim, was gunned down while he was returning home after giving a lecture

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