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China imposes stricter rules on Muslim pilgrimage

Chinese Muslims who are ‘patriotic,’ ‘law-abiding,’ will be permitted to visit Mecca, says state-run Islamic association

Beijing uses new tactic in campaign against Taiwan with spy accusations

China is spreading slander and creating terror, top Taiwanese official says

Christians in Laos evicted from homes after refusing to renounce faith

Christians still being abused in spite of existing law that protects religious freedom in the country, Evangelical Church member says

Thailand bans protests as challenge to gov’t escalates

Demonstration on Oct. 14 brought out tens of thousands of protesters marching to Government House

Rights groups express concern over detained Christian activist in China

Zhang Zhan was charged with ‘picking quarrels and provoking trouble’ after she posted about govt’s response to COVID-19

Pope Francis keeps his distance at audience over COVID concerns

With infections rising again, there was concern that the pope was getting too close to visitors

Keeping the faith: Thousands pray at Fatima for end to pandemic

Many of the faithful, all wearing masks, took the opportunity to pray for those affected by COVID-19

Widespread hate speech: Anti-migrant sentiment fanned on Facebook in Malaysia

Surge of anti-Rohingya comments on the social media platform shows how xenophobic speech persists in the country

Scholars warn against impact of Hong Kong security law on academic...

National security law will encourage critics of the Chinese party-state to self-censor

Papuan Council of Churches calls on Widodo to end sending troops

Council accuses Indonesian govt of using military to take control of Papua’s natural resources

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