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Tag: Human rights

Karapatan ng ina at anak, mayroon nga ba?

Hindi lamang sa palabas at likhang sining makikita’t mababasa ang lantarang paglapastangan sa kapakanan at karapatan ng kababaihan

North Korea treats detainees ‘less than an animal’

Mistreatment in custody is a standard feature of the country’s criminal justice system, says Human Rights Watch report

Planting evidence: Not your everyday urban gardening

To plant evidence means only one thing: do we even have credible police and military intelligence personnel to begin with?

US palm oil import ban opens can of worms in Malaysia

While human rights organizations focus on the plight of migrant workers, Malays face a dismal future

Cry me a River: How we treat our mothers and children

The case of Mommy Ina and her baby River would long be remembered for the brazen cruelty it stands for

Faith-based groups slam authorities for ‘inhumane treatment’ of political prisoner

Reina Mae Nasino, a 23-year-old urban poor community organizer, was arrested on charges of illegal possession of firearms and explosives

Rights lawyers decry ‘inhumane’ treatment of political prisoner who lost daughter

The detainee's lawyers said the security escorts did not even allow their client to view her child in private

Rights groups express concern over detained Christian activist in China

Zhang Zhan was charged with ‘picking quarrels and provoking trouble’ after she posted about govt’s response to COVID-19

Papuan Council of Churches calls on Widodo to end sending troops

Council accuses Indonesian govt of using military to take control of Papua’s natural resources

‘Girl defenders’ call for laws to end child marriage in Philippines

The International Day of the Girl Child is celebrated on October 11 in recognition of the rights and unique challenges girls face

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