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Tag: Human rights

Pro-environment groups oppose proposed wind farm in Masungi 

The Masungi Georeserve is a conservation area situated in the southern Sierra Madre range in Baras, Rizal, 47 kilometers east of Manila

Dumaguete bishop calls for justice, ‘full resolution’ on Pamplona massacre 

Bishop Cortes said cases may have been filed and suspects may have been arrested “but the resolution is not yet in sight.” 

How long can Quiboloy hide from Senate inquiry?

The self-proclaimed “appointed Son of God” has been subpoenaed twice in the past week to appear in the Senate in Manila

Pope Francis calls for prayers, sends condolences to Muslims, Christians killed...

The Diocese of Dori confirmed to Vatican News on Monday evening that 12 were killed in the initial attack, while three others died later

Communities in Mindoro employ art to ‘memorialize’ their struggle against oil...

AG Saño, a renowned Filipino artist and environmental activist, designed the mural in collaboration with local art communities

Rights group calls for deeper look into military’s reprisals vs. rights...

"The accusations against Rementilla, Rubia, and other human rights defenders in the region are based on mass-produced affidavits"

Pope Francis condemns attacks in Burkina Faso

In a telegram delivered by Cardinal Secretary of State Pietro Parolin, Pope Francis expressed his deep sorrow and offered condolences

Philippine church groups join 38th EDSA People Power Anniversary protest 

“A testament to the power of the people” and “a reminder that collective action can overcome even the most daunting challenges”

Survivors muster courage to retell horrors of Jolo siege

The Jolo Siege was a military confrontation between the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) and the government on February 7, 1974

Manila archbishop calls to ‘rethink’ pro-life strategy

The prelate spoke about the need for the Church to explore “new pathways” to better respond to the dominant values of contemporary times.

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