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Tag: Human rights

Rights group starts ‘Magnitsky sanctions’ campaign vs Ph’s alleged rights violators

“Magnitsky sanctions” include travel bans and targeted financial sanctions against "perpetrators of egregious acts of international concern”

Impunity allows human rights abuses to thrive in Philippines, says Amnesty...

“Lack of accountability continued to facilitate unlawful killings and other human rights violations under the ... ‘war on drugs’ campaign”

Palace says Amnesty International report on drug war ‘false, rehashed’

Palace spokesman Martin Andanar lamented that Amnesty International allegedly failed to verify its latest report

Political leaders, Big Pharma betray promises of fair recovery from pandemic...

States, “alongside corporate titans,” have driven deeper global inequality “in what amounts to one of the greatest betrayals of our times”

Robredo says reimposing the death penalty will not necessarily lower crime

Robredo, a former human rights lawyer, said data from around the world show that reimposing the death penalty will not lower crime rates

Religious leaders urged to do more to end reign of Myanmar’s...

A new report titled ‘Nowhere is Safe’ says Myanmar's military and police have committed murder, torture, and displaced citizens

Pope Francis: ‘Right to drinking water is linked to right to...

"The right to drinking water and sanitation is linked to the right to life, which is rooted in the inalienable dignity of the human person"

A tragedy under martial law

Life under the dictatorship was deadly, especially for those who stood against the dictator

Myanmar committed genocide against Rohingya, says US official

Around 850,000 Rohingya are languishing in camps in Bangladesh, recounting mass killings and rape, while another 600,000 remain in Rakhine

Struggle for democracy continues in Myanmar amid deepening violence, humanitarian crisis

While international attention is focused on Ukraine, another struggle against totalitarianism continues in Myanmar

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