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Tag: Human rights

Truth, a powerful weapon

No matter how simple or hidden our efforts are to live in the truth, these become powerful weapons to demolish the lies

Martial law survivors, activists pay tribute to human rights champion Marie...

She worked with martial law survivors and rights advocates in pursuing the class action suit against the estate of the late dictator Marcos

Rights group calls for release of De Lima following retraction of...

“Senator Leila de Lima has suffered five years in detention for an alleged crime that key witnesses now dispute”

Bongbong Marcos: Philippine dictator’s son leads race to succeed Duterte

Vowing to unify the country, Marcos has made sweeping promises to boost jobs and tackle rising prices as part of a pathway out of the pandemic

Pro-junta militia calls for killing of Myanmar reporters and their family...

The threats come as the junta labels several media outlets as ‘destructive to the state'

Child rights groups appeal for clean, peaceful elections

Child rights groups stressed the need for candidates to clearly discuss their proposed policies and programs for children

Open Letter to Vice President Leni Robredo from a mother of...

"I believe that each Filipino parent has that God-given opportunity to act concretely to secure a better future for their children"

Protestant Church group decries court decision to uphold terror law

The NCCP said it is "deeply concerned that the terror law will be instrumental to the continued attacks against human rights and dignity"

Junta troops torch 500 homes in 3 days in Myanmar’s Sagaing...

The attacks occurred between April 25 and April 27 in the Sagaing townships of Mingin, Khin Oo, and Shwebo

Rights groups warn against ‘weaponizing’ of Philippines’ anti-terror law

“The death-dealers will have a heyday weaponizing this law to red tag, harass and even imprison and kill human rights defenders” - TFD

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