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Tag: Environmental defenders

Duterte administration held accountable for impunity in killings of green activists

29 killings of environmental defenders out of 227 attacks against environmentalists around the world happened in the Philippines

Green activists hold solidarity bike ride for environment in Pangasinan

The activists also scored the number of Waste-to-Energy projects lined up in the province of Pangasinan

Who is the greenest presidentiable? (Part II)

Where do the six most prominent presidential candidates stand on the climate and environment agenda?

Philippine green groups urge political candidates to promote peace talks

The activists urged politicians "to stand with environmental defenders and abolish" the NTF-ELCAC

Spotlight: Man who can’t speak gives voice to environment

Ramon Sta. Ana's words are slurred, but whatever voice is left of him, he uses to convince others to protect the environment

‘The water is poison’: Chinese activist spends life protecting polluted lake

"When I was a child, we could see the bottom of the lake. When I was thirsty, I drank the water from the lake -- we used it for cooking"

Global powers urged to go further after UN climate deal

India and China weakened the language of the final text, forcing tears and an exasperated apology from Britain's COP26 president

Filipinos at COP26 discuss concerns with Vatican officials

The activists met with Church officials to discuss the situation of communities and the need for funding to help victims of climate crisis

Champions of Philippine land, indigenous peoples’ rights remembered

On November 10, rights groups will mark International Indigenous Peoples Heroes Day to honor those who contributed in advancing IP rights

Church leaders in Quezon province file petition against DENR over coal...

The petition was filed on behalf of the residents of Atimonan town by Monsignor Emmanuel Ma. Villareal and Father Warren Puno

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