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Tag: Environment

Green groups mark ‘National Day of Action Against Coal’ with protest...

The Philippines has the third biggest coal capacity in the pipeline at 12.014 gigawatts of new coal power

Catholic institutions across Asia join calls for ‘ethical investment’

The announcement was the first since the Vatican issued an “operational guidance” on the environment in May

Youth group in Bicol region calls for ‘climate emergency’ declaration

The demand for strong political commitment also came as the country marked the seventh anniversary of super typhoon “Yolanda (Haiyan)”

First ‘living chapel’ in Asia rises in central Philippines

The "open-air chapel" was built by the faithful of Santo Niño parish on Sibuyan island under the ecclesiastical territory of Romblon

Green activists call for probe into quarry operations in typhoon affected...

Kalikasan called for an "independent investigation" after government spokesman Harry Roque downplayed the impact of the quarries

Rampage at Guinobatan

Typhoon Rolly’s seven-hour rampage over Guinobatan left the whole community buried under tons of debris and seven-to-eight feet of mud

Quarrying activities around Mayon Volcano suspended following disaster

Stockpiles left in the middle of rivers were carried by the water current during the typhoon and flowed to villages downstream

Faith-based groups blame ‘ecological sinners’ for typhoon’s devastation

“This is not an act of God,” said Bishop Gerardo Alminaza of San Carlos, lead co-convener of Eco-Convergence

Bishop of Borongan reminds faithful to care for environment on Haiyan...

Bishop Crispin Varquez of Borongan urged the faithful to “remember God’s love and mercy for our people”

Church, green groups welcome Philippines’ new energy policy with caution

The Philippines’ Department of Energy announced that it will no longer endorse new coal power plant projects

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