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Tag: Environment

Green activists list top 15 ‘dirty’ Philippine financial institutions

Among the criteria used in the "scorecard" was “coal exposure,” or the amount of investment that a bank provided to fund coal projects

Catholic priest in Leyte town appeals for stop to black sand...

To drum up the campaign against black sand mining, the priest of McArthur in Leyte led a motorcade around town

Pope commits Vatican to net zero carbon emissions by 2050

The Vatican said the city-state was moving ahead with plans to substitute all its combustion engine cars with electric or hybrid vehicles

The road to extinction

With millions of educated Filipinos migrating and working abroad the future is bleak with social unrest and political turmoil brewing

A shoot from the stump

May this season of Hope make us look forward to a better world—one that is more just, more humane, more compassionate to the poor

Philippine green groups welcome House declaration of ‘climate emergency’

Greenpeace described it as a "starting point for the government to put climate action and climate justice at the center of governance"

Philippine diocese to probe impact of quarry activities in Albay province

The focus of the research will be the impact of quarry operations on the environment and communities in the province

New Delhi’s poisonous air a perennial crisis of its own making

For a sprawling metropolis of 18 million, there are only 40 field staff to enforce environment standards

Philippine faith communities to form coalition on fossil fuel divestment

Faith leaders agreed to establish a platform to unite all ecological efforts against dirty energy in the country

Catholic priest appeals for end to black sand mining in central...

MacArthur parish priest Amadeo Alvero calls the attention of the government to the “destruction of the environment”

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