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Tag: Climate Crisis

Catholic, Orthodox, Anglican leaders call climate crisis a ‘devastating injustice’

"The current climate crisis speaks volumes about who we are and how we view and treat God’s creation"

We need heroes

If the human family is really serious about saving the planet, we need warriors and heroes with superhuman powers, or perhaps, a miracle

This is not about saving the world as we know it

We need to rediscover our humanity. We need to accompany the solutions we implement with ecologically-sound human values.

Children in six Asian countries most at risk of impacts of...

The UNICEF report ranks countries based on children’s exposure to climate and environmental shocks

Green activists press for effective climate communication

Vulnerable sectors should understand the impacts of climate change, its threats, who are accountable, and how to act on them

There is no other time but now to act against climate...

The IPCC report is giving us a glimpse of what the future of young people will be. The question is: Is this what adults have imagined for us?

Global economic order makes indigenous people most vulnerable to climate crisis

Indigenous peoples say social inequality has put the most vulnerable population at “increased susceptibility” to damages

Marinel Ubaldo: From ‘Haiyan’ survivor to climate warrior

Fighting for the “young generation’s future” has become Marinel’s commitment

The burning and flooding of the planet

The latest UN report on the climate crises once again informs us that we human are responsible for a terrible crisis

UN climate report signals decisive moment for humanity, say green groups

Pro-environment groups warn that frontline communities will experience more "climate injustice” if countries will not limit warming

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