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Tag: Climate Crisis

New study urges ‘just transition policy’ to accelerate Philippines’ RE development 

This approach can help fulfill the country's projected energy demands, making it a crucial strategy for sustainable energy development

Over 1,000 Hajj pilgrims die amid record heat, AFP reports

A climate scientist interviewed by AsiaNews pointed out that temperatures in Mecca are increasing by 0.4 degrees Celsius each decade

Study shows global shortfall in 2020 CO2 emission targets

The study highlights the insufficient ambition of the targets set and the powerful impact of economic and demographic growth on emissions

Greenpeace urges Philippine government to adopt ‘climate damages tax’ amid extreme...

With potential revenue reaching USD 720 billion by the end of the decade, the tax could significantly aid the most vulnerable countries

Greenpeace calls for action as Philippines battles record heatwave

Greenpeace is calling for a multi-pronged approach to address the crisis and build resilience for the future.

Heatwaves put millions of children in Asia at risk: UN

Global monitors have warned that 2024 is shaping up to be the hottest year on record, marked by climate extremes

Faith-based group calls for stronger heat safety measures amid rising temperatures

Bishop Alminaza echoed Pope Francis’s stance highlighting the intrinsic link between the dignity of work and worker safety

Child rights group urges government support for children adapting to climate-altered...

The findings reveal that the current generation will also experience more river floods, droughts, and crop losses compared to sixty years ago

Pope Francis supports integration of Indigenous wisdom and scientific insights to...

Echoing his Encyclical Letter Laudato si', the Pope reminded the human family, “God has made us stewards, not masters of the planet."

Dubai climate summit adopts world-first ‘transition’ from fossil fuels

Environmentalists virtually all saw the agreement as a step forward, although many cautioned that there will still be far more to do

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