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Tag: Climate Crisis

Smoke bombs, floods and virus fears as Glasgow readies for COP26

Still grappling with the impacts of the coronavirus pandemic, locals appear divided in their feelings towards the event

Philippine delegation to Glasgow urged to champion justice, fossil fuel phaseout

"Beyond speeches, we believe the Philippines must also take leadership in calling out big polluters accountable" - Greenpeace

Catastrophes already upon the world

We must face the unpleasant and painful truth about what is happening to the planet and our lives

Phnom Penh residents flee homes as seasonal flooding hits Cambodia

Parts of the capital, home to 2.1 million people, have been inundated by heavy monsoon rains that reached their peak Tuesday

Hunger forces Afghans to sell young daughters into marriage

The numbers of young girls getting betrothed started to rise during a 2018 famine and surged this year when the rains failed once more

Asia suffered hottest year on record in 2020, says UN

Extreme weather and climate change impacts across Asia in 2020 caused the loss of life of thousands of people

Floods, landslides kill 116 in India and Nepal

Experts say that they were victims of ever-more unpredictable and extreme weather across South Asia in recent years

‘Running out of time’: Asia struggles to kick coal addiction

Asia-Pacific accounts for about three-quarters of global coal consumption even as the region struggles with the impacts of global warming

‘Left behind’: Climate activists fight for inclusive COP26

Activists from poor countries fear that without their presence, their voices will be ignored at the upcoming COP26 summit

Vatican indicates Pope Francis will not attend UN climate summit in...

The Vatican never officially acknowledged the possibility that the pope would take part in the Nov. 1-12 event

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