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Tag: Children

Pope Francis meets Canadian cardinals after indigenous school scandal

Many Canadians have called on the pope to make a formal apology for the Catholic Church's role in the residential schools

‘Community reading pantry’ for young learners rises in remote Mindanao village

A note in the pantry reads: "Read according to what you know, take according to what you like"

Pope warns against Italy’s ‘demographic winter’

Pope Francis said polls showed most young people wanted to have children, but were worried about the expense

Philippine child rights groups launch petition to end child marriage

Decades of war in the southern Philippine Bangsamoro region have reportedly caused an increase in child brides

In a southern Philippine village, a mother faces all odds to...

Her only wish during the observance of Mother's Day last Sunday, May 9, is for her children to take care of each other when she is gone

Child rights groups call for inclusion of child protection in pandemic...

Incidence of violence against children, mostly by parents and caregivers, has dramatically increased globally during the pandemic

The throwaway rejected street children

The real criminals are corrupt authorities who abuse children and ignore their plight as they live and die on garbage dumps and in sewers

Children take center stage at Vatican’s annual Good Friday service

The reflections during the 'Way of Cross' recalled children who go without food or education or are forced to be soldiers, among others

Children suffer the most as pandemic pushes millions of Indians into...

Millions of children live in a precarious situation, many of them will never enter the gates of a school again

Young Filipino boys, more than girls, suffer from sexual abuse

A Philippine study on violence against children noted that sexual violence occurs more often on boys (28.7 percent) than girls (20.1%)

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