HomeNewsPope Francis calls for prayer for suffering children due to conflicts

Pope Francis calls for prayer for suffering children due to conflicts

Pope Francis emphasized the toll wars take on children during his Wednesday General Audience at the Vatican.

The Pope recounted his interaction with Ukrainian children who have suffered severe injuries. 

“The other day, I received little boys and girls who suffered burns and lost their legs in the war,” he said.

He described war as “always cruel,” focusing on the profound losses suffered by children.

“These little boys and girls have to start walking, to move with artificial arms… they have lost their smiles,” he said, noting the deep impact of losing childhood joy.

In his address to pilgrims, Pope Francis also extended his thoughts to ongoing conflicts in the Holy Land and Myanmar, urging awareness of the suffering endured by the people, especially children, in these regions.

The Pope called for prayers for peace, particularly for the children affected by these conflicts. 

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“Let us paint for the Ukrainian children,” he implored, asking for divine closeness and peace for all those suffering.

According to the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), Israel has been responsible for the deaths of over 13,000 children in Gaza since October 7.

Many children are also experiencing severe malnutrition and are so weakened that they lack the energy to cry.

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