To the Faithful and the Wider Community,
On this day, as we enter the solemnity of Lent with the observance of Ash Wednesday, we are also embraced by the universal celebration of Valentine’s Day, a time dedicated to expressing love and affection. The convergence of these observances offers us a profound moment to reflect on the nature of love — not just the romantic love we often associate with Valentine’s Day, but the agape love that Christ teaches us: unconditional, sacrificial, and encompassing all creation.
In light of this, I wish to bring our attention to a matter that deeply concerns both our hearts and our shared future — the joint venture agreement (JVA) between Central Negros Electric Cooperative (CENECO) and MORE Power. This agreement, while a matter of governance and economics, also touches upon the core values we hold dear during this Lenten season: sacrifice, care for our neighbors, and stewardship of God’s creation.
The concerns raised by many — that this agreement might lead to increased electricity rates, jeopardize the job security of CENECO workers, and potentially consolidate power in ways that could harm the common good — are not just economic or political issues. They are moral challenges that call us to reflect on our responsibility to each other and to the vulnerable among us.
As we embark on our Lenten journey, a time for introspection and renewal, we are reminded of the sacrifices made out of love for us. This season challenges us to consider what sacrifices we are called to make for the welfare of our neighbors and for the integrity of our community.
Moreover, today’s dual observance invites us to ponder the meaning of true love — a love that seeks the good of the other, that acts justly, and that serves without counting the cost. How does this definition of love inform our approach to communal challenges, such as the one posed by the CENECO-MORE Power JVA?
In the spirit of Valentine’s Day, let us renew our commitment to love not only in words but in deeds and in truth. Let this love inspire us to advocate for decisions that reflect our collective commitment to the common good, to economic justice, and to the care of our common home.
And so, as we wear our ashes and as some of us exchange tokens of affection, let us remember that we are called to a love that sacrifices, that shares, and that safeguards the welfare of all, especially the least among us. May this Lenten season be a time of meaningful reflection, heartfelt conversion, and a rekindled commitment to live out the radical, self-giving love that Christ himself has shown us.
In Christ’s Peace and Love,
Bishop Gerardo A. Alminaza, DD
Bishop of San Carlos