A new movie, “Mang Kanor,” tickled the imagination of many Filipinos, especially those familiar with the “scandal” porn videos of the same title that are available free online.
The Movie and Television Review and Classification Board said has already summoned those behind the release of promotional materials for the movie, those responsible behind its screening in a theater in Quezon City without the required MTRCB permit, and officials of a television station that aired clips of the movie.
We asked MTRCB officials if any church or religious organization has raised concerns over the movie. The board said religious leaders might not have heard about it, although one official said that in the past priests and bishops are “more liberal” when it comes to such issues.
“Mang Kanor,” the movie, is about an elderly businessman (played by Rez Cortez) who finds himself in a scandal after his sex videos with women went viral. It features several scenes of male and female nudity that MTRCB officials said might get a stricter rating.
On an island dubbed as “the Galápagos of Asia” because it has remained in isolation from the rest of the world since its formation, residents are setting up barricades to block the entry of trucks with nickel ore.
The people, led by faith-based organizations and backed by the local Catholic diocese, vowed that they will continue to stand their ground and oppose mining operations. As of Friday, February 3, two protesters were already hurt during a police dispersal operation.
In the middle of the week, the country’s Catholic bishops released a “Litany of Gratitude after the Covid-19 Pandemic.” It reads:
Leader: Let us approach the Lord, Who makes all things new, for all the blessings and graces we received during the Covid pandemic.
After every petition, let us say together: Thanks be to God.
For reminding us of the fragility of life, shielding us when no one else dared to shelter us and opening our minds to what is really essential, let us thank the Lord
Response: Thanks be to God.
For allowing us to connect with one another with faith and love, despite the isolation that sickness had imposed on us, let us thank the Lord
Response: Thanks be to God.
For the heroic kindness of those who provided us with scientific, social and spiritual help when doing so was both risky and life threatening for them, let us thank the Lord
Response: Thanks be to God.
For the gift of newly discovered medicines and vaccines to combat the virus and the wonder of natural immunity, let us thank the Lord
Response: Thanks be to God.
For the gift of assuring presence, when we were anxious and distressed, depressed and lonely and impatient during the pandemic, let us thank the Lord
Response: Thanks be to God.
Let us pray.
Loving God, no thought of ours is unknown to you. No tear we shed is unimportant to you. No joy we celebrate is alien to you. You entered our world of sickness, suffering and death and you know the fears we face. Accept our thanksgiving for your provident love during the Covid pandemic. As you wept at the death of Lazarus, breathe the breath of life everlasting on all those who died from the coronavirus. You have turned our fears into joy and for this we thank and praise You. To you be glory now and forever.
Mary Help of Christians, pray for us. Saint Michael, the Archangel, pray for us. San Roque, pray for us.
Nothing much has been heard from the Catholic bishops’ conference after their plenary assembly in the weekend except for a warning issued by its president, Bishop Pablo Virgilio David of Kalookan, who spoke of the so-called “cancel culture.”
“Nowadays, with a click of a finger, it is so easy to simply unfollow, unfriend, or cancel out the social media account of anyone who represents a contrary opinion,” said the prelate.
“It is the exact opposite of synodality in the sense that it stops any further dialogue or conversation,” he added.
“We are ourselves called to participate in his role as a supreme bridge-builder, a facilitator of dialogue, reconciliation and communion in the local Churches entrusted to our care,” he told the assembly of bishops on January 28.
Jose Torres Jr is a Filipino journalist and editor-at-large of LiCAS News