There will be 16 cardinals under the age of 80 elevated at the next consistory, to be held on August 27.
This will be the eighth consistory of Pope Francis’ pontificate, and the first of his to be held in August.
The last time a cardinal was made in August, a torrid month in Rome when all things slow down in the Vatican Curia, was on Aug. 24, 1807, when Pius VII created Francesco Guidobono Cavalchini a cardinal “in pectore,” announcing his name only in April 1808.
With these new cardinals, Pope Francis will have created 122. There are three members of the Curia: Arthur Roche, Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of Sacraments; Lazzaro You Heung Sik, Prefect of the Congregation for the Clergy; and Fernando Vergez, President of the Governatorate of Vatican City State.
Pope Francis’ choices regarding diocesan bishops confirms his preference to choose dioceses that are not traditionally cardinal sees, omitting prominent places such as Milan, Venice, Krakow, and Paris.
The Holy Father has created:
— Cardinal Jean-Marc Noël Aveline, 63, Archbishop of Marseille, who will become the first French diocesan bishop to get the honor during Pope Francis’ pontificate;
— Peter Ebere Okpaleke, 59, Bishop of Ekwulobia in the central region of Nigeria, who was created bishop in 2012 by Benedict XVI;
— Leonardo Ullrich, 77, Archbishop of Manaus, in Brazil’s Amazon region, a Franciscan who played a leading role during the Amazon Synod and the current Vice President of the recently created Amazonian Bishops’ Conference;
— Filipe Neri António Sebastião do Rosário Ferrão, 69, Archbishop of Goa, appointed bishop by St. John Paul II in 1993 and currently the President of Latin-rite bishops of India;
— Robert McElroy, 68, Bishop of San Diego (United States), whose diocese is suffragan to the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, led by the President of the USCCB, Archbishop José Gomez;
— Virgilio do Carmo Da Silva, 68, a Salesian, Archbishop of Dili (East Timor);
— Oscar Cantoni, 71, Bishop of Como (Italy), appointed in January 2005 by St. John Paul II, who is suffragan to Milan;
— Anthony Poola, 60, Archbishop of Hyderabad (India), a bishop since 2008 and the first dalit to become a cardinal;
—Paulo Cezar Costa, 54, Archbishop of Brasilia (Brazil), the fourth archbishop of the Brazilian capital to become a cardinal;
— Richard Kuuia Baawobr, 62, Bishop of Wa (Ghana), former Superior General of the White Fathers, and bishop since 2016;
— William Goh Seng Chye, 62, Archbishop of Singapore since 2013;
— Adalberto Martinez Flores, 70, Archbishop of Asunción (Paraguay) and the first Paraguayan cardinal;
— Giorgio Marengo, 47, Italian Missionary of the Consolata and Apostolic Prefect of Ulan Bator in Mongolia, who will be the youngest cardinal in recent history, along with Karol Wojtyla, who also was created a cardinal at 47, during the consistory of June 26, 1967.
Pope Francis included in his list also five men older than 80, and therefore excluded from attending a future conclave. With them the number of non-electing cardinals rose to 27 out of the current 122.
The Holy Father has appointed Jorge Enrique Jiménez Carvajal, 80, Archbishop Emeritus of Cartagena (Colombia); Lucas Van Looy, 80, Bishop Emeritus of Gand (Belgium), a Salesian; Arrigo Miglio, 80, Archbishop Emeritus of Cagliari (Italy); Fr. Gianfranco Ghirlanda, who will turn 80 on July 5, a Jesuit and former rector of the Pontifical Gregorian University, who extensively collaborated in the drafting of the Apostolic Constitution Praedicate Evangelium; and Fortunato Frezza, 80, (Italy) currently a Canon at the Basilica of St. Peter, who collaborated for several years at the Secretariat General for the Synod of the Bishops.