Cardinal Jose Advincula of Manila called on the Filipino faithful to speak out for truth and justice in his homily during the celebration of Palm Sunday on April 10.
“When for money, wealth, position, power and popularity, the cry of Hosanna is very loud,” he said.
“But why when for God, when for our faith, when for truth and justice, why do we seem to be just whispering or silencing our cries,” said the cardinal.
“Have the cries of worldly hosannas drowned out our hosanna for God? Do we still have the courage to shout out loud our praises for God?” he added.
Cardinal Advincula lamented that many people nowadays no longer let their faith be heard like the way people shouted with joy as Jesus made his way to Jerusalem.
“When it comes to money, wealth, position, power, and popularity, it seems that the noise is way louder,” said the cardinal.
He said that “it is sad to admit that … the shout of people against Jesus is louder than those who accept him.”
“Amid the meaningless noises around us, this week, let us shout out loud ‘Hosanna to the son of David’ so we can defeat those who shout: ‘Crucify him,'” said Cardinal Advincula.
“Let us cry out to the whole world through our lips and lives that Jesus Christ is Lord and that he alone is the savior of the world,” he added.
The cardinal led the blessing and unveiling of the “Homeless Jesus” statue installed at the patio of the cathedral before the celebration of the Mass.
The sculpture by Canadian artist Timothy Schmalz illustrates Jesus as a person in need, alternately sick, hungry, naked, a stranger or without a shelter.
The cardinal urged the faithful to reflect on the message of the art work.
“Listen to what it is saying and respond to its message by showing love and concern for the poor and the homeless,” said Cardinal Advincula.
He said the image of the homeless Jesus “speaks to us, cries out to us, to hear the voice of Jesus and see him in our brothers and sisters who have no place in our society and no place in our hearts.”
On Holy Thursday, Cardinal Advincula will celebrate the Chrism Mass and bless the Chrism oil and the Oil of the Sick that are used in the sacraments of the Church at the Manila Cathedral at 7 a.m.
In the afternoon, he will preside over the Mass commemorating the Last Supper of Jesus Christ with his disciples. – with a report from CBCP News