The head of the Episcopal Commission on the Laity of the Philippine Catholic bishops’ conference warned politicians on Sunday, November 14, against using the poor for their political interests.
“[Politicians] want people to remain poor so that they can instrumentalize them, use them,” said Bishop Broderick Pabillo of Taytay in an interview with Church-run Veritas 846.
“During the election campaign, the poor must be helped, not used,” said the prelate in his message during the observance of the World Day of the Poor.
Bishop Pabillo said politicians should used their money to provide genuine service to the poor, not to buy people’s votes.
The prelate urged the faithful to look into the background of candidates before supporting or electing them next year.
“Looking into the track record of politicians who help the poor even before running for election is the most effective way to see their real intentions,” said the bishop.
He also pointed out that one way of helping the poor is to stand against policies that make take advantage of those who don’t have they economic means.
The prelate reminded the faithful to support Church programs that help the poor, such as the “Pondo ng Pinoy” that accepts any amount to show love and care for the poor.