Archbishop Romulo Valles of Davao has directed his priests to organize parish-based vaccination centers for COVID-19.
In a circular released on August 7, the prelate urged parishes to offer their facilities “to bring vaccination to as many people as quickly as possible.”
“I am endorsing the noble efforts of the priests in the parishes and the parish staff to organize this parish-based vaccination center,” said the archbishop.
Aside from the use of church facilities, the archbishop also called for volunteers to help ensure the readiness of churches to host vaccination activities.
He said that churches will need medical professionals who will undergo orientation and training by the city health office vaccination team.
Archbishop Valles said that they will also need volunteers to do the work of ushering, registration, validation of vaccine-related documents, screening, and counselling, among others.
The prelate made the appeal as Davao’s city health office started to partner with the parishes in organizing church-based vaccination centers.
Last July 31, more than 680 people were vaccinated against COVID-19 at the Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish in the city’s Barangay Obrero.