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Tag: United Nations

Myanmar faces ‘alarming’ risk of escalating civil war, warns UN human...

Sources in Myanmar said on Thursday that thousands of people in the country’s Chin State have already fled to India

Philippines’ Duterte defends ‘war on drugs’ before UN General Assembly

"Those found to have acted beyond bounds during operations shall be made accountable before our laws," said Duterte

Filipino Augustinian named congregation’s first Asian representative to UN

Father Alladin Luzon, OSA, has been named the Augustinian’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations

UN irks Australia by recommending Great Barrier Reef be listed ‘in...

Australia has lobbied to stay off the endangered list as it could lead to the coral reef ecosystem losing its World Heritage Site status

UN ‘deeply worried’ over Philippine killings, Duterte’s violent rhetoric

Church groups expressed alarm at the killings and concern about "red-tagging” of opponents as communists or terrorists

UN warns Myanmar against harsh response to protesters

As well as the demonstrations in towns and cities, a civil disobedience movement has brought strikes that are crippling many functions of govt

More UN member countries call on China to respect human rights

Statement expresses concern over human rights situation in China’s Xinjiang region and recent developments in Hong Kong

Pope Francis calls for special attention to children’s rights

The pope also denounced those promoting abortion as an ‘essential service’ in responding to COVID-19

UN urged to intensify pressure to stop rights abuses in Philippines

An Amnesty International report accuses the administration of President Rodrigo Duterte of inciting a "wave of extrajudicial executions"

Duterte at the 75th UN General Assembly: Red-tagging on the global...

What the world has witnessed is not a leader out to save his country from those who wish to destroy it

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