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Tag: United Nations

UN Special Rapporteur urges action to bridge digital divide, ensure universal...

Access to information, whether online or offline, empowers individuals to make informed decisions and participate in the democratic process

Jonila and Jhed’s case reaches UN, rights defenders announce

The group emphasized the injustices suffered by civilians under the Anti-Terrorism Act of 2020, citing at least 15 terrorism-related cases

Orion 2 case to reach United Nations, abduction survivor vows

Gumanao is in Geneva as part of the Philippine UPR (Universal Periodic Review) Watch delegation to the UNHRC session.

UN report shows 402 million Asian suffer from hunger

Asia, especially the southern subregion, struggled to significantly reduce moderate and severe food insecurity between 2021 and 2022

Climate advocates applaud UN secretary general’s call to phase out fossil...

Guterres’ remark “echoes what people and communities on the frontline of the climate crisis have been warning of, and demanding for decades”

Worry, frustration as UN tries to finally agree high seas treaty

China is pushing for the future governing body of any eventual treaty to determine the sanctuaries by consensus rather than a majority vote

UN chief says stop ‘blame game’ at deadlocked climate talks

Guterres said there was "clearly a breakdown in trust" between developed and emerging economies

Pope Francis urges reform in United Nations after Ukraine war, COVID...

"In wartime, it is essential to affirm that we need more multilateralism and a better multilateralism," said Pope Francis

UN seeks US$169 million in aid for Philippine typhoon victims

More than 400 people were killed and hundreds of thousands left homeless after Rai hit the archipelago as a super typhoon in December

Super typhoon’s destruction in Philippines ‘badly underestimated,’ says UN

Scientists have long warned that typhoons are strengthening more rapidly as the world becomes warmer because of human-driven climate change

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