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Tag: Synod on Synodality

Yangon Archdiocese holds follow-up synod to strengthen church renewal

The discussions are conducted through the Synodal Method of "Conversation in Spirit," which emphasizes collective discernment

CBCP head: ‘Authentic tradition’ needed, but Church needs to confront change

David said he felt the delegates raise their level of “trust on the Holy Spirit” during this year’s general assembly of the Synod of Bishops

Lay Filipina theologian says ‘People of God spoke’ at synod

“At first, I doubted how the sense of faith of the faithful – that if we gathered together, God will speak through us – will work"

After synod, Pasig prelate to roll out participative evaluation process

“If I will characterize the whole synodal process, it has been an experience of contemplative listening,” Vergara told CBCP News

The Synod on Synodality’s final document: What you need to know

The proposals include expanded women’s leadership roles, greater lay participation in decision-making, and significant structural reforms

Asian bishops elected to Synod’s Ordinary Council

The Ordinary Council of the General Secretariat is responsible for the preparation and implementation of the Ordinary General Assembly

Here’s what’s happening during the last week of the Synod on...

The final draft of the document will be presented to synod delegates on the morning of Saturday, Oct. 26

Cardinal Bo calls for continuous Synodality in Catholic dioceses worldwide

He said conducting diocesan synods can be an effective means to “build a vision and mission” for local Churches.

What Pope Francis told Cardinal-elect David

In Spanish, the bishop told the pope, “Santo Padre, I am the bishop from the Philippines… You’ve changed my life again!”

Myanmar’s Cardinal Bo calls for synodality with poor at Vatican Synod 

"Our faith journey is an uncompromising call to recognize the dignity of those living amidst poverty and suffering," he said

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