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Lake Mapanuepe and the Aetas’ journey to education

Lake Mapanuepe is a four-hour drive from Manila and is easily accessible through the North Luzon Expressway and Subic-Clark-Tarlac Expressway

One out of four Filipino Muslims pray the Salah 5 times...

The survey found that only 26 percent of the Muslim respondents said they pray the five daily obligatory prayers in Islam

The moral obligation to oppose crimes against children

To lose your home, parents, friends, schoolmates and relatives and be taken to a foreign country is a severe traumatic event for a child

Pope Francis extends ‘Vos estis’ decree to counter both lay and...

The decree extends the Church’s norms for handling of abuse to cover lay leaders of international associations recognized by the Vatican

Bishop David says Lord ‘haunting’ police for killings, calls on them...

“It must be the Lord’s way of pranking them with a familiar image of victims many of their fellow officers had murdered extrajudicially"

Photos: Muslim Filipinos start Ramadan observance

Ramadan, considered one of the pillars of Islam, is observed by over 1.7 billion Muslims across the world through fasting and praying

What do we/they get out of that Con-Con

A con-con election can begin to stamp out the evil triad by prohibiting dynasts as delegates

Marcos greets Muslims as holy month of Ramadan starts

“This season of fasting, prayer, and almsgiving is an opportune time to embody the values of discipline, reverence and humility"

Pope Francis invites Catholics to renew consecration to Immaculate Heart of...

The solemnity of the Annunciation on Saturday marks one year since Pope Francis consecrated Russia and Ukraine to the Blessed Virgin Mary

Protestant church worker tells UN of continuing rights violations in the...

Toquero expressed alarm that church people and humanitarian workers are targeted under the country’s anti-terrorism law

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