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Manila’s homeless back in the streets despite pandemic

The street dwellers left the temporary shelters provided by church groups as schools across the capital prepare for the resumption of classes

Vatican releases 200-page guide for ‘Care of the Common Home’

It’s a users’ guide on how to achieve ecological conversion and implement concrete measures to help the planet

Church calls for prayers for priests who continue to serve during...

Bishop Pabillo said part of the devotion to the Sacred Heart is to work for justice because “there cannot be true love if there is injustice”

‘Let’s keep our gaze fixed on the poor’

Poor Filipinos will be more vulnerable in the months ahead as job losses mount due to the coronavirus pandemic

Poor Filipinos caught in the midst of pandemic endure long journey...

They endured the feel of the burning concrete on their tired soles and thinning slippers and carried on until they reached the church

Social action amid the coronavirus threat

Part of the mission of the Church continues to be the promotion of integral development — working for justice, peace and the integrity of creation

SPOTLIGHT: Filipino priest brings Eucharist to faithful on a pick-up truck

Mass celebrations go mobile after gov't implemented a lockdown due to the coronavirus pandemic

Evangelization, Christian education, worship amid the pandemic

How can the Good News and the Christian message be proclaimed in the time of the pandemic and amid the ecological crises?

Church leaders, rights groups cry foul over libel conviction of Filipino...

The court ruled that Maria Ressa and Reynaldo Santos are guilty of cyber libel charges over a complaint filed by a businessman

Waiting, hoping, dreaming can be deadly for Filipino poor amid pandemic

The death of Michelle Silvertino, 33, after trying to get a ride home has prompted the government to look into the plight of stranded workers

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