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Groups appeal for humanitarian ceasefire in Bangsamoro region

The groups called on all parties to “de-escalate” armed violence that displaces people and put communities at risk of COVID-19

Philippine church leaders tag new terror law ‘morally wrong’

On July 3, President Rodrigo Duterte signed into law the Anti-Terrorism Act, which critics fear could be used to target government critics

SPOTLIGHT: Domestic work, joblessness keep women from reporting violence

When pandemic lockdown began, women’s rights advocates were quick to notice the missing gender dimension in govt response

Philippine authorities to allow more people to attend Mass starting July...

More activities and industries will be allowed to resume under the more relaxed “general community quarantine” starting July 10

Asian Catholic bishops warn against Hong Kong’s new national security law

New law broadens powers of local and mainland authorities to investigate, prosecute, and punish those deemed as dissenters

Rights groups dismayed over Philippine reaction to UN human rights report

Human rights activists said they “can’t help but be reasonably cynical” about the statements made by the Philippines before the UN Human Rights Council

Treating citizens like cattle

Families left by the wayside during the pandemic know it is the government that is the biggest threat to their safety and security

Pope Francis urges Catholic media to give voice to those who...

The pope emphasized that media is necessary to distinguish good from evil in terms of producing sound judgments

UN human rights body polarized on call for probe into Philippine...

China, Russia, ASEAN and Latin American states, however, warn against using country specific resolutions to pressure governments

Former bishop of Cebu moves closer to sainthood

Cebuanos are urged to seek the intercession of Archbishop Camomot as Cebu has been declared the epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic

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